Dernière mise à jour | 29/08/2024 |
Temps d'achèvement | 3 jours |
Membres | 0 |
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REABILITA CAL INJECT is a dry pre-dosed mortar formulated with Natural Hydraulic Lime, intended for the reinforcement of old masonries by using the injection technique. It has particular properties of high fluidity, excellent workability that enables to guarantee the filling of voids inside the structure to be consolidated. Its composition based on natural hydraulic lime ensures a complete chemical and mechanical compatibility with old masonry, with optimized characteristics such as elasticity, water vapour permeability and resistance to salts. Its hydraulic properties guarantee the moderate development of mechanical resistance over time, which ensures an excellent preservation of the historical heritage. The absence of soluble salts in REABILITA CAL INJECT minimizes the occurrence of degradation phenomena associated with efflorescence formation
SecilTek MICRO ART - beton ciré
Voir toutREABILITA CAL INJECT is a dry pre-dosed mortar formulated with Natural Hydraulic Lime, intended for the reinforcement of old masonries by using the injection technique. It has particular properties of high fluidity, excellent workability that enables to guarantee the filling of voids inside the structure to be consolidated. Its composition based on natural hydraulic lime ensures a complete chemical and mechanical compatibility with old masonry, with optimized characteristics such as elasticity, water vapour permeability and resistance to salts. Its hydraulic properties guarantee the moderate development of mechanical resistance over time, which ensures an excellent preservation of the historical heritage. The absence of soluble salts in REABILITA CAL INJECT minimizes the occurrence of degradation phenomena associated with efflorescence formation
Fiches techniques et fiches de sécurité SECILTEK:
ADHERE colles à carrelage et mortiers de jointoiement
REABILITA Mortiers de chaux (nhl) - rénovation historique
MICRO ART (Microcimento) beton ciré
ISOVIT Systèmes d'isolation de façade ISOVIT (etics)
Mortiers de liège ECOCORK
Systèmes d'isolation de façade ISOVIT Classique et Liège